NPD Theft Report – March 27-30, 2022 | Natchitoches Times

2022-04-22 20:44:27 By : Admin

•March 30 12:33 a.m.: theft interior vehicle: Caller at Alliance Compressors reported his vehicle was broken into. Caller advised he observed juveniles. He took one into custody but missed the other two. He advised he didn’t see any of the other vehicles but he does have a gun missing and will provide serial number. The juvenile was returned to his mother in Graystone Apartments. 2:53 a.m.: theft interior vehicle: Caller at Alliance Compressors reported a vehicle broken into. 7:09 a.m.: theft interior vehicle: Caller advised sometime between 11:30 p.m. March 29 and time of call, an unknown subject broke the back passenger glass on a vehicle at 150 Hayes Ave., Fairfield Inn. Nothing taken. Damage totals $500. 10:31 a.m.: theft: Caller stated around 9:14 a.m. a known subject stole four butane tanks valued at $30 from address on Keyser Ave. 2:42 p.m: theft interior vehicle: Complainant advised around 11:48 p.m. March 299 a vehicle on Shamard Drive was broken into and a firearm valued at $340 was stolen 2:47 p.m.: theft interior vehicle: Caller stated that sometime between March 23 at 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. March 30 an unknown subject gained entry into his vehicle and $500 was taken 8:15 p.m.: theft: Caller advised an unknown subject gained entry into a vehicle on Texas Street taking $3,000. 8:41 p.m.: theft interior vehicle: Complainant advised an unknown subject gained entry into vehicle on Second Street by damaging the passenger window. An AR15 was taken.

This article published in the April 2, 2022, print edition. Your local news team, Juanice Gray, Editor; Carolyn Roy, News Editor; and Nathan Wilson, Reporter 352-3618•March 29 8:22 a.m.: theft interior vehicle: Caller reported around 10 p.m. March 10 and time reported an unknown subject gained entry into a vehicle on North Street and took a Smith and Wesson firearm valued at $349. 9:05 p.m.: theft: 911 caller advised while in Family Dollar she left her wallet and went to find it and it was stolen. Estimated value $50. Brittany ones, b/f will be the suspect.

•March 28 10:49 a.m.: theft: Caller on South Drive advised in reference to a report she made on March 21, six checks from City Bank were also stolen and three transactions were made using those check valued at $1,068. 3:18 p.m.: theft: Caller advised around 8:30 a.m. an unknown b/m took a package containing a dress and kid’s toys off the porch. Approx. value $50.

•March 27 7:41 a.m.: theft: Econo Lodge: Caller stated around 2 a.m. a w/m subject came in and stole $300 out of the front desk. 11:22 a.m.: theft exterior vehicle: Caller advised his vehicle at Holiday Inn on University Parkway was broken into. Advised a jack stand and a pipe wrench valued at $500 were taken. 12:50 p.m.: theft interior vehicle: Caller on Howard Street advised his vehicle was broken into and the suspect took off running dressed in all black. Victim stated prior to him calling a b/m, juvenile gained entry to the back door of a jeep and took a small handbag containing $5,400 worth of cash and the handbag was recovered by a neighbor. The money was not in the bag which was returned to the victim. 3:32 p.m.: theft: 911 caller at Roses stated that 2 hours prior to the call, a b/m, subject entered the store and took a laundry basket full of items and left. 6:06 p.m.: simple rape: a female subject went to the station and reported her 11 year old child had been raped and when she was 3 years old she was molested by her brother. 7:58 p.m: animal complaint: a concerned citizen called to report a cow in the road near Pilgrim’s Pride. Officer reported checking the area and spotting the animal, however it was already back on Old River Road. 8:03 p.m.: juvenile complaint: Shambanetta Pier advised her daughter caller her stating her current guardian hit her. Officers responded and reported the juvenile was physically fine, no sight that she had been hit. Pier was previously advised not to return to the residence. She was also arrested for a warrant and taken to NPDC.